lunes, 9 de febrero de 2015


these are asome sketches i found in some old sketchbooks i was looking at yesterday. they are about 25 books but i woould need weeks to scan and upload and it's not worth.

sketches by dibujandoarte

sketches, a photo by dibujandoarte on Flickr.

sketches by dibujandoarte

sketches, a photo by dibujandoarte on Flickr.

sketches by dibujandoarte

sketches, a photo by dibujandoarte on Flickr.

sketches by dibujandoarte

sketches, a photo by dibujandoarte on Flickr.

sketches by dibujandoarte

sketches, a photo by dibujandoarte on Flickr.

sketches by dibujandoarte

sketches, a photo by dibujandoarte on Flickr.

sketches by dibujandoarte

these which follow are all life drawing, at a public place and the rest at the studio

sketches by dibujandoarte

sketches, a photo by dibujandoarte on Flickr.

sketches by dibujandoarte

sketches, a photo by dibujandoarte on Flickr.

sketches by dibujandoarte

sketches, a photo by dibujandoarte on Flickr.

sketches by dibujandoarte

sketches, a photo by dibujandoarte on Flickr.

this one was a work i was asked for some glasses make, though i don't know if they've ever used it.

sketches by dibujandoarte

sketches, a photo by dibujandoarte on Flickr.

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