miércoles, 11 de julio de 2012

life drawing

this one looks like made for a cartoon, hehe
his right leg came out awful now that i see it on the screen, as if a part is missing.

life drawing - charcoal + pastels

the head looks too big...

life drawing

A4 sized sketch

life sketches

(pencil and graphite bar)


(water soluble Caran D'ache pastels)

quick sketches

sketches of about 5 min and less

quick sketches by dibujandoarte



(soft pastel)




(marker - wash)

quick sketches by dibujandoarte


quick sketches by dibujandoarte


jueves, 5 de julio de 2012

old sketches of violinists

I just found this in an old email, it's a couple of sketches from 2004 I had made after a magazine or newspaper photograph

old sketches of violinists by dibujandoarte

sábado, 16 de junio de 2012

can't find myself in my drawings

i keep looking at myself in the mirror, but I can't completely find me in my drawings... hahaha.

the thing is that there are always some details i miss while drawing that i realize after i finished it, eyes too close or separated, bigger/smaller eyebrows, slant mouth, smaller nose, hahahaha. i'll keep on looking till i can get it right. maybe that's what's really interesting about art, if we could do exactly what we plan or want, maybe it wouldn't be so wonderfully exciting as art is!

The funniest about this drawing i did today is that it looks better (more similar) when it's bigger, which is the contrary as they always look better when I see them smaller on the pc screen.

direct link to the image

jueves, 22 de marzo de 2012

domingo, 18 de marzo de 2012

another imaginary sketxh

another imaginary sketxh by dibujandoartei'll only post two of all the imaginay sketches i did yesterday on a new blank book i started, just to spend some quiet evening on silence, painting without caring about any particular model, shapes or perpectives

fooling around with ink 1

fooling around with ink 1 by dibujandoartean imaginary figure in which i don't care about any real shape or size. it's strange, while i was doing it and afterwards too, i see it and feel an urge to go on with the inner part of the figure in pencil lines.

as it is, in a way it's inviting, to be completed mentally in different ways all the time. i'll leave it just like it is, asking me to complete it each time i see it. :P

miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2012

domingo, 19 de febrero de 2012

collage - mixed media after a painting by Toulouse-Lautrec

the third and last collage for the project for school.

these works (plus Seurat's Bagnade I posted some months ago) are just pieces of papers torn from magazine, glued to the board. later i added some color or details with oil pastels, then acrylic varnish on top. 

the one after casas has also some gouache (témpera) beneath the oil pastel on the upper part of the work

collage -  mixed media after a painting by Toulouse-Lautrec by dibujandoarte

mixed media after Ramón Casas "Madelaine"

collage -  mixed media after Ramón Casas "Madelaine" by dibujandoarte

finished version