domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2014

paintings from some years ago

i was looking for some old works some weeks ago and found there were some i had never uploaded (as most of the things I do) but now I felt like showing these. these are school works, studies of values, colours, and who knows what, in tempera or acrylics.

old drawings

these are from 2002-2005, imaginary and life sessions. the other one is a homage to Dore Hoyer

homage to Dore Hoyer 

 life drawing

 life drawing


miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2014

rough sketch in oil

I made this quick sketch in oil on a very thin and cheap paper I had used yesterday to make a 5 min sketch on charcoal during a life class, as still some lines remain. while quickly covering the surface in oil I also covered one finger (had you realized?) which I should "pinkily" add again, and also  now seeing the pic on cell screen, i notice how odd the vase looks like, so I have to correct that too but I guess it's part because of the low light when i took the photo. maybe i'll take it into a bigger composition, who knows. I only used B and W + little blue and magenta.

martes, 9 de septiembre de 2014

lunes, 1 de septiembre de 2014

facebook page

I made a new facebook page, you can visit it here:

I included some old works that i haven't posted here and the idea is to continue to post here and there.

sábado, 30 de agosto de 2014

nature seen uncomplete I and II - series.

generally, the people who live in big cities are used to seeing things behind bars. in the zoo, in cages, and even public spaces like squares, which are surrounded by gates or wire fences which are open or closed to us depending on some law or someone's desires, so we are forced to see things severed, not complete.

more to come...

jueves, 28 de agosto de 2014

viernes, 1 de agosto de 2014

Flickr and Blogger are no longer friends??

Since 2007 I had my accounts linked, so whenever I sent an email with the image to Flickr, it would automatically send the pic + text to blogger, but since a few months ago I started to notice that images paradoxically apperead in Blogger but not in Flickr.

And now there's no way to get the image into blogger. I can share it to twitter, facebook, tumblr but no way to this blog... surely policies have changed but I would have been polite from the yahoo side to let us know about that, or am I the only one dealing with this issue?

Feel free to leave any comments if you know how I can fix it. Thanks in advance.

Let's twist again!

Sketch in oil still unfinished

jueves, 3 de julio de 2014

Post 501-- An old ink drawing from 2008

today i found this drawing i did as an exercice for art school back in 2008 and thought i had uploaded it, but no, i had not.

i guess i was much more selective back then... so maybe i 'll start seaching for some old stuff that never pusblished. who knows?

anyway, i just saw in my blogger account that my last entry yesterday the 500th.! I started it back in march 2007 and has been a fun thing to do, even though there were times i didn't have anytime or anything to upload. 

You can have a quicker glance at most (not all) of the images in only one screen here

domingo, 22 de junio de 2014

Self portrait

Self portrait by dibujandoarte

Self portrait, a photo by dibujandoarte on Flickr.

A draft made with an old & worn out marker, over a cardboard on which I had
pasted some pieces of newspaper. Later I applied temperas with a piece of
wood like a painter's knife. I chose cyan yellow and magenta, but only the
first is pure. Also used some white tempera. I added charcoal lines at the

jueves, 22 de mayo de 2014

little more of what could be called "surreal"?

​i really don't know what these could be, but i'm sure it's not even close
to surreal. these are just images, that are constructed at the same time of
drawing, while seeing the composition and adding things that are being said
on a song while drawing, or a passer-by. nothing to do with dreams at all​.

domingo, 16 de marzo de 2014

Oil study

Oil study by dibujandoarte

Oil study, a photo by dibujandoarte on Flickr.

Study of lights & shadows +Colours and compostion. I'm trying to see which
colours as a basis are better for the skin. I usually use just the 3
primary (CMY) + white. A little black to make different values of grey and
nothing else. In this case didn't use magenta but crimson, and ulttamarine
instead of cyan.

sábado, 22 de febrero de 2014

flowers in the beginning

     "[...] When i found that loose floor tile at the foot of my bed i saw some light coming out and obviously caught my attention.

     I removed it together with the others touching it and found the stairs going down. Suddenly, I could hardly believe my eyes when I found myself standing under my own house.

Had i travelled back through time? I was at the same place but just before nothing was built. No houses, no people...

     I can only see a strong daylight that almost hurt my eyes standing frozen under the shadow of the house; there's just a lot of high grass all around and the flowers growing wild. I hear only silence, if silence can be heard. Lots of it. Not even the soft wind makes a noise or the plants moving with it. Been there more than once as far as I can remember. It's just nature growing fast, wild and free. [...]"

 mf 2014

jueves, 23 de enero de 2014

The waiting.

The waiting. by dibujandoarte 

The waiting. 

Still life. About 40x80 cm. Acrylic on wood.

The waiting. Detail 1 by dibujandoarte

The waiting. Detail 4 by dibujandoarte   The waiting. Detail 2 by dibujandoarte   The waiting. Detail 3 by dibujandoarte


The varnish and the lights in my studio together with a low-quality cellphone cam, 

makes it difficult to take a decent pic. Though in some way i think it enhances the real painting hehe.