miércoles, 11 de julio de 2012

life drawing

this one looks like made for a cartoon, hehe
his right leg came out awful now that i see it on the screen, as if a part is missing.

life drawing - charcoal + pastels

the head looks too big...

life drawing

A4 sized sketch

life sketches

(pencil and graphite bar)


(water soluble Caran D'ache pastels)

quick sketches

sketches of about 5 min and less

quick sketches by dibujandoarte



(soft pastel)




(marker - wash)

quick sketches by dibujandoarte


quick sketches by dibujandoarte


jueves, 5 de julio de 2012

old sketches of violinists

I just found this in an old email, it's a couple of sketches from 2004 I had made after a magazine or newspaper photograph

old sketches of violinists by dibujandoarte