jueves, 22 de enero de 2009

domingo, 18 de enero de 2009

sketches in oil

doing some cleaning (that means throwing away many old drawings and sketches as i usually do from time to time to save space) i came across these two quick sketches in oil i had done in 2007. what i don't remember is if i had used a previuous life sketch as model or if i had made them up...

sábado, 17 de enero de 2009


Originally uploaded by dibujandoarte

i don't know much about an old ship shape or anything about it, i just imagined how it could look like while reading "a wizard of earthsea" by Ursula K Le Guin

viernes, 16 de enero de 2009

my favorite blogs list is missing

i don't know what happened or since when but my favourite blogs list is missing, only the the title remains. the same happened to the links exchange list (there was only one there)... The fact I trusted more that online list instead of keeping them in my favourites in internet explorer will make things more complicated though I'll rebuild it in the next few days. I hope not to forget anyone. I wonder if someone else using blogger had the same problem...

it's not too late: to learn

gotta see what's around me but learn to only store what really cares. gotta learn to make silence when i'd normally speak and start to speak when i generally remain silent. have to keep on hearing everything and everyone like I do but have to learn to only listen to what's important