martes, 9 de diciembre de 2008

paraffin figure finished

i think i won't touch anything else on it. i have the final exam next thursday.

our teacher is 82, and he fell a couple of weeks ago. i was so glad to see him back at school today; fortunately he told me he's ok now, so he'll be present for our final exam.

domingo, 7 de diciembre de 2008

secret art

secret art
Originally uploaded by dibujandoarte
was just fooling around, did this sketch and decided to paint it... though i thought i'd better keep their identities private, hahaha, just a joke.

composition exercise

composition exercise
Originally uploaded by dibujandoarte

in the first one there is the use of a colour and its analogues, then little zones of another analogue (orange).
in the second one the use of completely different colours but keeping the small zones in the same colour, to see the constrast.